Mina’s dying for life to return to normal. But she's still reeling from her mother’s sudden death. What she wants most in the world is to get back to art school and her job at a downtown tattoo shop. Then her roommate suggests a night of dance, drink and distraction. Despite a backlog of schoolwork, Mina agrees. She soon finds herself in the arms of a sexy stranger with amber eyes. When she invites him home, she doesn’t realize they’re the eyes of a devil in disguise. The next morning, she tries again to get her life back together. But plagued by a wicked headache, unusual hungers and a burning desire, she realizes something is wrong. As she struggles to figure out what’s going on, she’s confronted by a tenacious vampire with tales of hellish creatures and ancient battles, she’s forced to ask herself: Will life ever be normal again? Find out for yourself in this dark, gritty story!
Scarlet Fever
Underworld meets Buffy in this action-packed urban fantasy.
Steeped in the deep traditions of Virginia horse country and featuring a colorful cast of characters both two- and four-legged, Scarlet Fever is another spirited mystery from Rita Mae Brown.
In its determination to preserve the century of revolution, Gale initiated a revolution of its own: digitization of epic proportions to preserve these invaluable works in the largest archive of its kind.
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