You never know when there might be a gorilla around... Gorillas can be hard to spot, because they are masters of disguise and good at hiding. You will know when there are gorillas living in your midst because the grocery stores will be entirely out of bananas. In fact, you should always carry a banana with you-you never know when you might meet a gorilla!
In charge at home when Yankee soldiers arrive, older sister Cassie makes it appear that the younger children have smallpox.
Meet the world's best-dressed dogs and discover what makes each dog so special.
The Runaway Heiress
This book presents undercover disguise methods that came into focus in the clandestine services of World War II, evolved during the Cold War, and today features modern innovations.
Marion Watt is set to embark on her first London Season, and her parents have spared no expense to help her secure a suitable husband.
"Teaches readers how to make spy disguises through clear steps, simple supply lists, and helpful tips and fun facts"--
Disguised to protect his identity, Trupp the fuzzhead encounters the world of humans.
The English language stock and amateur stage performance rights in the United States , its territories , possessions and Canada for TRIUMPH OF LOVE are controlled exclusively by DRAMATISTS ...
The Spy's Guide to Disguise
Judith Barlow is a woman with a problem.