‘Your best weapon against skin ageing is your fork!’ Beautiful skin is not only for the genetically blessed – everyone can enjoy the self-confidence that comes from looking their best, regardless of age. In Younger Skin in 28 Days, award-winning author and nutritionist Karen Fischer reveals how you can firm and tone your skin and take years off your appearance in a matter of weeks. Among the many skin conditions that can be improved are: cellulite wrinkles dry skin sun damage acne rough and bumpy skin age spots and hyperpigmentation. Karen reveals the best skin-care products and supplements for younger skin, and includes a 3-day alkalising cleanse to fast-track your results as well as a 14-day menu plan featuring delicious, quick and easy recipes. You might find you start feeling younger too, as the nutritionally balanced health program also helps to: boost energy and concentration promote healthy weight-loss strengthen bones, hair and nails reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes lower cholesterol prevent bloating, and much more!
Award-winning nutritionist Karen Fischer reveals how you can firm and tone your skin and take years off your appearance in a matter of weeks.
This book can be used to complement a current beauty regime, or to supply the nutrients in a diet needed to speed up recovery from and enhance results for a cosmetic procedure.
Follow the FEED YOUR FACE Diet, and you can have pizza. You can go out for Italian, indulge in Chinese takeout, and dine at The Cheesecake Factory (with the help of the FEED YOUR FACE Restaurant Guide).
the information I shared in Chapter 6 about big-name professional athletes like Alex Rodriguez, Kobe Bryant, and Peyton Manning using stem cells to rejuvenate the collagen in the connective tissue around their joints?
A revolutionary 3-step method for younger looking skin, from the dermatologist behind Hollywood's A-list stars.
Pennisi, E. 2005, 'Why do humans have so few genes?', Science Magazine, vol. 309, no. 5731, retrieved 18 March ... Get the Edge, The Anthony Robbins Companies, California. 3. ibid. 4. In Balance for Life, op. cit. 5. ibid. 6. ibid.
Presents a six-step skin-care program designed to reverse the signs of aging, shows how to assess individual needs, and provides information on nutrition and the latest medical treatments. Reprint. 35,000 first printing.
It's important to favour eczema-safe fish, which are low in mercury. Safe. seafood. The following seafoods are low in mercury, as is the case with all smallsized fish (if in doubt ask your local fishmonger at the fish shop).
Absolutely. In this groundbreaking book, dermatologist and professor Dr. Rajani Katta reviews the latest research and shows you how to use this cutting-edge information to promote youthful, healthy skin.
lower down in the skin, which then migrate up to the surface and push those dead cells off the surface, a process called desquamation. In young skin, this process takes around 28 days, but as we get older the process slows down; ...