Happy: A Provocative Women's Guide to the Happy Life: If You are Waiting for a SIGN This Is It

Happy: A Provocative Women's Guide to the Happy Life: If You are Waiting for a SIGN This Is It
Victoria Herman


Happy is a workshop type book for women that are wanting to change their life for the better. Page 19 will tell you all about my past and how I decided to break the rules and power live my life.Page 33 will demonstrate an easy way to get over broken relationship, divorce, loss of somebody.On page 45 you will complete an exercise to have a clear picture of what you need in life.Page 62 will teach you to use social media to your advantage and make money of it.On page 82 you will learn how to start your own business and start building your future.Page 100 has a task you need to follow to be able to fall in love with a right person.On page 127 you will learn everything about positive scanning and how to apply it to your everyday life.By page 181 you will be happy. A new way of happy.Partial proceeds benefit Canadian Women's Foundation to help fight against domestic violence."From starting my morning with a shot of tequila just to feel numb to packing my stuff and moving to a different country, from partying for weeks to finding myself hysterically smashing coffee cups at my psychologist's office, from waking up in an apartment infested with rats with $0.04 in my account and an eviction notice amongst a pile of unopened mail on the floor. I think if there is "below rock bottom", I've definitely been there.""I am not here to lecture you on how to be a better self. I am here to tell you my story and work with you to make sure you never end up in places I've been to and you get to your beautiful dream life much sooner than I did. I have 9 steps that will dramatically change your life and will prepare you for reaching your goal, whatever it is: a high paid job, a new business, or meeting somebody who will not leave you broken and who you will enjoy getting old with. I want you to hear my story and let me hear yours to adjust these steps specifically to your situation. Then, let's walk through them together side by side. Let me help you get your dream relationship and life.""Happy is not a moment and it is not a reaction to a certain event in our life. It is a state of existence, a lifestyle."

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