In this cautionary tale for our times, Cosconna - Cosmic Consciousness - newly emboldened by the latest discoveries of astrophysicists, is summoned into existence by the mind of the author. Cosconna returns to Earth in a bid to save her favourite planet. She is angry with God for His incompetence in allowing the Earth to fall into ruin, and she is exasperated with His followers - belligerent war-mongers and avaricious entrepreneurs - who plunder her planet. High on her agenda is to call a halt to men's habitual mistreatment of her human sisters. In provocative conversations that roam from the bedroom to the boundaries of the mind, from the latest in current events to the utmost limits of the universe, Cosconna and the author discuss with verve, wit and concern what has gone wrong with the world, and how Cosconna, now a goddess again, intends to put things right.Ultimately, Cosconna encourages God to vacate Heaven and go on a spiritual retreat. With Him go many of the self-aggrandizing ideas with which patriarchal philosophers, politicians and theologians have cluttered human heads for the last few thousand years. "We men have run the world and we have made a hash of it," says Andrew Malleson. "I believe it is now women's turn."About the Author: Andrew is the second of two boys born in London, UK, to Miles and Joan Malleson. Miles was an actor, film script writer and social commentator. His play, 'Yours Unfaithfully', banned in Britain when he wrote it 80 years ago was premiered NYC three years ago. Joan, an active feminist ran a medical practice in the middle of Red Light District specializing in the sexual difficulties of women. She was the first to teach contraception to medical students, and when one of her patients, a fourteen-year-old girl, became pregnant after being raped by four soldiers, arranged for her abortion, and following a landmark trial, law was changed in Britain and her then empire to allow for abortion to protect the mental health of a pregnant woman.Andrew trained in medicine at Guys Hospital and holds specialist qualifications in both internal medicine and psychiatry. He worked as a psychotherapist.He settled in Canada when he married Donna Stewart, a Canadian psychiatrist, the first person in the world to hold a chair in Women's Health. The couple have a son Michael, who is a Crown lawyer prosecuting environmental offences. Andrew wrote, 'Need Your Doctor Be So Useless?', a study of Britain's NHS, published in the US as 'The Medical Runaround', and 'Whiplash And Other Useful Illnesses, ' a study of doctor and lawyer created diseases, published by McGill-Queen's University Pres