A witches book of shadows is one of the more important tools in their arsenal, holding their spells (both successful and not, ) their divinations and of course all of the correspondences that aid them in their everyday craft. Being able to reference your own material is a great way to help you become more confident in your own craft, and to remember all of the ingredients and astrological timings that have worked best for you. What you have in your hands, is a completely blank Book of Shadows, to help any witch organize their craft. This 150+ page journal, comes with pre-formatted spell, ritual, Sabbat and divination pages, In the back of the journal you'll find 15+ pages of indexed correspondences ranging from colors, to moon phases, herbs, tarot and much more. Being completely blank and dateless, this Journal is suited to witches from all walks of life, and either hemisphere, proving to be an asset for all users from novice to expert, Let this journal be your starting point to creating your perfect, personalized book of shadows, and fall in love with your craft.