A very readable guide which fills the gap between academic analysis and less critical retellings of the myths and legends. Marytn Whittock provides an accessible overview while also assessing the current state of research regarding the origins and significance of the myths. Since all records of the myths first occur in the early medieval period, the focus is on the survival of pre-Christian mythology and the interactions of the early Christian writers with these myths. A wide-ranging and enthralling introduction to Celtic mythology, from the Irish gods before gods, the Fomorians, to the children of Llyr, the sea deity; from the hunter-warrior Fionn mac Cumhaill, whose exploits are chronicled in the Fenian Cycle, to Cú Chulainn, the Hound of Ulster; and from the Welsh heroes of the Mabinogion to Arthur, King of Britain, though the mythical, Welsh version who predates the medieval legends.
Developed from an early oral storytelling tradition dating back to the dawn of European culture, this is one of the oldest and most vibrant of Europe's mythologies.
But the Celt, unlike any other, is a visionary without scratching.” This introduction to Celtic Mythology will serve the novice well – for it is a complicated history with the earliest written records destroyed by the marauding Vikings.
This is an enchantingly told collection of the stirring sagas of gods and goddesses, fabulous beasts, strange creatures, and such heroes as Cuchulain, Fingal, and King Arthur from the ancient Celtic world.
Cong , Co. Mayo , on the shores of Lough Corrib , once the scene of the epic battle of Moytura , has since become better known as the location for John Ford's film The Quiet Man . Alex Williams Ren Tory Island , nine miles off the.
Hear the tales of Gods, monsters, magic, and more!
Through his engaging narrative, Garry Shaw guides us through the mythic adventures of such famous deities as Osiris, the god murdered by his jealous brother Seth; the magical and sometimes devious Isis, who plotted to gain the power of the ...
Celtic Mythology Are you interested in ancient cultures, meaningful tales, and entrancing folklore? Because if you are, this book has much in store for you.
The ruler of Ireland was inextricably linked to the fortunes and prosperity of the land itself . Thus the niggardliness of King Bres led to a blight of barrenness upon Ireland . The royal court of Tara was 18 CELTIC MYTHS.
Splendid compilation of tales ranges from Arthurian myth to less-familiar adventures, such as Finn and his Fenians, plus many other heroic figures from the Gaelic pantheon.
Mag Rath (magh, maγ, Modlr. moi; rath)Scene of an Irish dynastic battle, AD 637, where Suibne goes mad. Mag Slécht (magh, Modlr. moi shlaykht)Plain in Co. Cavan, near present town of Ballymagauran thought to be site of worship of Crom ...