Covers the foundations of personality theory and the impact of personality on normal functioning.
Acp Abnorm Child Psy
Lenneberg , E. H. , 137 , ( 136-7 ) , 157 , 162 , 185 Lennox , K. , 362 , 366 Lerner , E. A. , 41 , 65 Lesser , L. C. ... J. , 279 , 296 Lieberman , R. P. , 338 , 355 , 369 Liebman , R. , 249 , 256 Lindsey , O. R. , 278 , 294 Linehan ...
Severe Behaviour Disorders of Children and Youth: Conference Papers
Written from a developmental perspective, this book is organised on the basis that the course of normal development prodeeds in an orderly and predictable direction and that maladaptive behaviour represents a deviation from this path.
Child Psychiatry & Behavioral Pediatrics Case Studies: A Compilation of 59 Clinical Studies
PYCK , K. , Kinderpsichoputhologie en Inleiding in de Kinder- en Jeugdpsychiatrie , Delen 1 en 2 , Leuven , Acco , 1977 . Redl , F. , Strategy and Techniques of the Life - Space - Interview , American Journal of Orthopsychiatry ...
Counselling Children with Psychological Problems
Written from a developmental perspective, this book is organised on the basis that the course of normal development prodeeds in an orderly and predictable direction and that maladaptive behaviour represents a deviation from this path.
Our brightest, most creative children and adults are often being misdiagnosed with behavioral and emotional disorders such as ADHD, Oppositional-Defiant Disorder, Bipolar, OCD, or Asperger?s.