Contract and Copyright Drafting Skills is a brand new title which will help you develop and create greater flexibility in your drafting skills. Using clear explanations and practical examples your ability to write clauses, draft, negotiate, analyse and review contracts will be enhanced. It is designed to be used in conjunction with your own precedent bank or alongside The A-Z of Contract Clauses, Sixth Edition. This title gives guidance on the variety of techniques that can be used in drafting contracts including the significance of the purpose of the agreement and the focus of the outcome. In addition it covers definitions, an important aspect of contract drafting, and also general background factors that can be useful to consider when drafting a contract. Contract and Copyright Drafting Skills will help you to appreciate the elements that can be edited in a clause thereby widening, decreasing or improving liability, risk, costs, revenue and control of rights. It also explains the process of the expansion, reduction and adaptation of clauses to meet the needs of the circumstances of the parties giving you the confidence to make that assessment and to focus on the aim of achieving the best agreement in the circumstances. Whether new to contact drafting or an experienced contract drafter, whether a lawyer or non-lawyer Contract and Copyright Drafting Skills will provide you with all the tools and guidance you need to become an expert contract drafter. [Subject: Contract Law, Copyright Law]
The Duty of [sic] Negotiate in Good Faith and the Enforceability of Short-form Natural Gas Clauses in Production Sharing Agreements
If the other parties to your agreement have access to this book--and you don't--you're placed at a significant disadvantage every step of the way.
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Exclusion Clauses and Unfair Contract Terms
Modificación y reducción de intereses Aunque de la lectura de la cláusula de un contrato de tarjeta de crédito no se suscite reparo alguno respecto de su validez , ello no impide que se haga lugar al pedido de reducción del importe que ...
A guide to the use of exclusion clauses in the light of the Unfair Contract Terms Act and the body of case law that has developed since 1983.
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This work focuses exclusively on liquidated damages and penalty clauses.
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