Sweetpotato and potato are expanding faster than any other food crops in sub-Saharan Africa. There is growing investment in research to address bottlenecks in value chains concerning these two crops, and growing interest from the private sector in investing in them. This book addresses five major themes on sweetpotato and potato: policies for germplasm exchange, food security and trade in Africa; seed systems; breeding and disease management; post-harvest management, processing technologies and marketing systems; nutritional value and changing behaviours.
This book is based on papers presented at the Ninth Triennial African Potato Association Conference, Naivasha, Kenya, 30 June-4 July 2013.
In Western countries they appeal to health conscious consumers because of their nutritional aspects. The sweetpotato is very high in nutritive value, and merits wider use on this account alone. The book has 2 parts.
The volume describes the characteristics of 18 little-known indigenous African vegetables (including tubers and legumes) that have potential as food- and cash-crops but are typically overlooked by scientists and policymakers and in the ...
Sweet Potato Post-Harvest Assessment: Experiences from East Africa
Improvement of Sweet Potato (Impomoea Batatas) in East Africa, with Some References of Other Tuber and Root Corps: Report of...
... Mary Conway, Cheryl Crain, Michelle Cross, Jacqueline Dunn, Terri Elder, Angela Fortezza-Soto, Toni Ann Gestone, Jen Goudreau, Joanne Goudreau, Mary Jane Goudreau, Paul Goudreau, Mark Hawthorne, Meridith Hayden, Chessa Hickox, ...
This is contemporary African food for simply everyone.
J. Am . Soc . Hort . Sci . 100 ( 6 ) : 604-7 . 1977. Effects of potassium and phosphorus fertilization on quality of sweet potatoes . ... Garlich , J.D. , Bryant , D.N. , Covington , H.M. , Chamble , D.S. and Purcell , A.E. 1974.
This popular Bulletin reviews information on biotic factors affecting the production of sweet potato in three main regions u SE Asia, the Pacific and East Africa. The most important diseases...
Review of Sweetpotato Seed System in East and Southern Africa