Heritage tourism is tied to myth making and stories; creative content that can be shared, stored, combined and manipulated, but that depends on a unique cultural or natural history. A significant section of the wider phenomenon that is cultural tourism, heritage tourism is a demand-driven industry that continues to be a subject of heated debate in academic circles. Beginning with an overview of the subject, this book considers the conservation and revitalization of heritage destinations, as well as the role local communities have in supporting an attraction. It then discusses product development and communication around the world, using new techniques such as social media and examples from food tourism and sporting events, before a final section reviews the planning and institutionalisation of heritage spaces. A timely conclusion subsequently considers the implications of developments such as globalisation, technological improvement and climate change upon these unique destinations. A valuable addition to the literature, this book is the first to bridge the gap between theory and practice, including the latest research and international case studies for researchers and practitioners in tourism and destination management.
This significant book furthers knowledge of the theory and application of tourism within the context of cultural heritage and will be of interest to students, researchers and practitioners in a range of disciplines.
This book also provides readers with global charters developed for promoting cultural tourism and for preserving heritage sites. Focus lies on ICOSM and WHC.
The book delves into this vast form of tourism by providing a comprehensive examination of its issues, current debates, concepts and practices.
With the question, "What does it mean to show?", the author explores the agency of display in museums and tourist attractions.
Chhabra, D., Healy, R. and Sills, E. (2003) Staged authenticity in heritage tourism. Annals of Tourism Research 30, 702–719. Chhabra, D., Lee, W., Zhao, S. and Scott, K. (2013) Marketing of ethnic food experiences: Authentication ...
This is the starting point for Heritage and Tourism .
Cultural Tourism and the Mobilities Paradigm 18. Erasmus Students - the 'Ambassadors' of Cultural Tourism 19. Performing and Recording Culture: Reflexivity in Tourism Research 20. Cosmopolitanism and Hospitality 21. Hospitality 22.
This book serves as an invaluable guide for students, researchers, academics and practitioners in the areas of Tourism and Heritage Management.
E. Maggi and F. L. Fredella, “The Carrying Capacity of a Tourism Destination: The Case of a Coastal Italian City” (August 2010), citing G. McIntyre, “Sustainable Tourism Development: Guide for Local Planners” (1993), World Tourism ...
Locals'. Motivations. for. Recreational. Visits. to. Urban. Cultural. Heritage. Sites: The. Seyh. Edebali. Tomb,. Bilecik,. Turkey. Ayse Okuyucu and Mehmet Somuncu. Introduction. Heritage and cultural tourism are among the oldest types ...