This book provides a critical analysis of the different ways in which the law can recognise and protect relationships between adults and children in postmodern societies which are characterised by increasingly diverse family configurations. The book focuses of six fundamental questions:0*How does the law deal with the changes occurring in what is still referred to as the 'traditional' family, such as for example anonymous childbirth, paternity disputes, shared custody?0*How does the law recognise and protect families conceived with help of assisted reproduction techniques, such as IVF, surrogacy, anonymous or non-anonymous gamete donation?0*How does the law recognise and protect families bound by de facto so-cial or emotional ties, particularly in context of step-parents and step-children or foster families?0*Which relationships between adults and children should be recognised and protected by law? Should there be restrictions based on couple status, gender or number?0*If relationships between adults and children should be protected, which legal tools should be used: legal rules, judicial discretion or contractual freedom?0*Which common analytical framework could be used to understand - and face - the legal challenges raised by the transformations of family relationships?0.
Sam and Barney build a snow lady that resembles their elderly neighbor, mean Mrs. Dean.
One year before his death Frank Kafka had an extraordinary experience.
Author and respected psychologist Sue Gerhardt goes to the heart of the causes of broken Britain Ambitious and wide-ranging, The Selfish Society reveals the vital importance of understanding our early emotional lives, arguing that by ...
"Part of the Laugh and Learn series, this book provides guidelines for kids on how to get along with the adults in their lives.
Totally Uncool
Three of the most popular and critically acclaimed bestsellers of the past decade in one volume.
Recent developments across childrenâ¬"s services in education, health and social welfare have reinforced the value that government and service providers place on this basic human right.Listening to Young Children is a comprehensive ...
This new edition has been revised and updated to include the very latest research and topical issues, such as child obesity and the impact of community violence, international conflict andterrorism.
Tommy Cameron is illiterate, and excluded from the other children's games.
This book discusses the key aspects of quality adult:child interactions in the early childhood setting, using many examples drawn from actual observations.