***2020 winner of the Christopher Bland Prize*** "Beautifully crafted and written, filled with darkness and light, compelling... She fights addiction with honesty and humour. And, like her, [we] come away changed forever." Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, RSL Christopher Bland Prize When Michele Kirsch's father is killed in a train crash, her mother gets the vapours and Michele gets extremely nervous. By her mid-teens, she has found salvation in valium. Her favourite words on the prescription sheet are "Take As Needed", which she interprets as Take All The Time. Later, as a wife and mother, she adds alcohol into the mix, and before long her life is spinning out of control. Leaving home "for the sake of the family", she takes the scenic route to rehab, redemption and reinvention. But this is no misery memoir. Clean is a darkly comic tale about the difficult choices we have to make as we navigate our lives. While working as a domestic cleaner in her 50s, Michele finds herself living vicariously through other people's messes, tidying her way through early sobriety. As the Duster of Large Things, she taps into her natural nosiness to reveal the absurdities of a seemingly banal job.
This book is enhanced with content such as audio or video, resulting in a large file that may take longer to download than expected. This enhanced edition of Clean includes extra audio, video and recipes.
Clean is a priceless, no-nonsense resource for every husband, father, brother, son, friend, pastor, and Christian leader on the front lines of this war.
Looks at the principles and clean code, includes case studies showcasing the practices of writing clean code, and contains a list of heuristics and "smells" accumulated from the process of writing clean code.
Expanded Edition Includes: New Introduction • New Recipes • How to Become Clean for Life
This book will help you tackle every mess, stain and dust-magnet, and keep things from getting out of hand in the future--all while being friendly to the environment and keeping toxic chemicals out of your home.
154 Lord Byron: Samuel Tenenbaum, The Incredible Beau Brummell (South Brunswick, NJ: A.S. Barnes, 1967), 8. 1 54 Brummell, in the words: William Jesse, The Life of George Brummell, Esq., Commonly Called Beau Brummell (London: Nimmo, ...
The writer and actress explore her childhood and youth, which was largely defined by her father's struggle with hoarding.
The apparently routine task of taking up soap and water (or not) is Katherine Ashenburg’s starting point for a unique exploration of Western culture, which yields surprising insights into our notions of privacy, health, individuality, ...
Even if you've lived on white carbs and trans fats your whole life, this book makes it easy to embrace eating clean.
Clean Air Act: Ozone and Particulate Matter Standards : Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Clean Air, Wetlands, Private Property, and...