Before Socrates, philosophers sought explanations for naturally-occurring phenomena from earthquakes and eclipses to the existence of the entire cosmos. But the Socratic era saw a great shift towards questions much closer to the human experience. Philosophers became concerned with life and how to live it, the nature of knowledge and reality, the soul and its relation to the body, and the place of human beings in the universe. Ancient philosophy expert, William J. Prior elegantly guides readers through philosophy's formative years, from the pre-Socratic to the Stoic and Epicurean schools. Combining a general discussion of movements with analysis of key passages from ancient texts, it is an enthralling insight into the evolution of philosophy and how the great thinkers of centuries gone by can still send our minds reeling today. For students and interested readers alike, this is the ideal introduction, opening the door to the philosophy's classic works and fascinating in its own right.
Plato's Statesman is the second of a projected trilogy of dialogues, in which an unnamed stranger sets out to satisfy Socrates' desire for an account of sophist, statesman, and philosopher. (The third was never written.) "All serious ...
The Collected Dialogues of Plato, Including the Letters
Plato in Twelve Volumes
The Hymn of Thomas Taylor
There is also a typed version of student notes taken by Gaius McIntosh in the Philosophy III (Day) course of 1928. The typed notes correspond very closely to Anderson's handwritten notes and have been used to check against unclear ...
Werke in deutscher Übersetzung: Parva Naturalia : De Memoria et Reminiscentia
Covers the period from the beginning of Greek Philosophy to St. Augustine.