The Diary of Elio Schmitz is a beautiful and moving portrait of an artistic young man living in late nineteenth-century Trieste. It is also the first English translation of the single most important document for anyone interested in the early life of Italo Svevo, Italy's greatest modern novelist.Elio Schmitz was the younger brother of Ettore Schmitz, better known today as Italo Svevo, Italy's greatest modern novelist. Much of what we know about Svevo - about his family and its origins, about his childhood in Trieste, about his temperament and his formation as a writer - we know because Elio Schmitz decided to set it down in his diary. In Elio, Ettore found a constant, reliable source of appreciation and encouragement, the ideal confidant. Many of the most important moments of this relationship are vividly preserved in The Diary of Elio Schmitz, making it a precious, indispensable account of Svevo's early years. The relevance of this diary, however, extends beyond the life and work of Italo Svevo, for the picture that Elio Schmitz paints of his family and his city captures all of the contradictions and ambiguities of nineteenth-century Trieste.
Gespielt wurde gewöhnlich Dreiblatt oder Górka , jedenfalls nur Hasardspiele . Jeder Spieler schüttete einen ganzen Haufen 6626 25 Dostojewkij , Fjodor M .: Der Jüngling , übers . v . E. K. Rahsin . München : Piper , 1957 , Teil 2 ...
Présente la vie et l'oeuvre de Dante Alighieri (1265-1322), son enfance, sa période de formation, son attachement pour Florence sa ville natale, son activité politique, son exil.
但丁: 地獄與天堂的導遊
... Index.27 In 1517 Johannes Reuchlin , the German scholar who has the reputation 24 25 la Renaissance ( Paris , 1964 ) , and Frances A. Yates , The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age ( London , 1979 ) , Part I. See pp . 113-15 .
Questioni private: vita incompiuta di Beppe Fenoglio
Riveting, obsessive, impassioned, and scandalous, here is a major biography of one of the great Renaissance men of the 20th century.
Family Sayings
Resta comunque Roma , con l'offensiva mole bianca dell'Altare della Patria , ' una città tutta da scoprire , un luogo ... un cavallo di pietra si abbeverava alla fontana vicino a un leone , le colonne di una facciata pareva stessero per ...
Letters on Familiar Matters
Dario Fo, actor, playwright, theatre director, stage designer, political activist, artist and author who, having attained international fame in theatre, produced the first of his six novels at the age of 88 -- was there any limit to his ...