Commons People takes a look at the day-to-day lives of our MPs, examining what motivates them, who inspires them, what they do to relax, what keeps them awake at night, and their hopes and aspirations for the future. It allows the reader to get into the minds of our elected representatives, reveals what’s in their hearts and explores their concerns. The book shows us the personal side of the people whose decisions affect virtually every aspect of our lives, including Sir Peter Bottomley, Andy Burnham, Stephen Dorrell, Zac Goldsmith, Sadiq Khan, Nicky Morgan and many more.Commons People demonstrates that MPs are human too, sharing the same hopes and dreams as the rest of us. It finds out how they feel about ordinary everyday issues, allowing us to be able to relate to them more, in a manner which humour, frustration and sheer passion shines through.Profits from the sale of the book will be donated to Reflections Art in Health, an arts in health charity founded by Tony and his wife Angie. The charity is dedicated to showcasing the creative talents of people with health problems generally, and mental health problems more specifically. It also demonstrates the value of the arts in aiding recovery and enhancing the healing environment. Commons People will appeal to the general public, and in particular to those with an interest in politics.
Common People is a collection of essays, poems and memoir written in celebration, not apology: these are narratives rich in barbed humour, reflecting the depth and texture of working-class life, the joy and sorrow, the solidarity and the ...
"First published in 2014 by the Penguin Group"--Title page verso.
Only from this vantage can the attraction of slogans like 'the West wants in', 'the people want to be heard,' and 'the common sense of the common people' be appreciated, although the last of these is ambiguous in that common can mean ...
Cited in Terry L. Anderson and Jody J. Olsen, “Positive Incentives for Saving Endangered Species,” in Wendy Hudson, ed. Building.
... Allport, ; Brewer and Kramer, ) and the more recent schema theory work on group perception (e.g., Dovidio, Evans, and Tyler, ; Hamilton and Trolier, ; Linville, Fischer, and Salovey, ).
It surveys the early development of the electric grid in the United States, telling the story of battles for public control over power during the Great Depression.
“The Tragedy of the Commons,” i.e., the circumstance in which a common resource is used by individuals in a way which ... People may represent if they are chosen to represent; they will be chosen to do so because, aside from other gifts ...
Little People is a positive book meant to help parents get the most out of the years the spend with the little people the bring into the world and help them grow up happy and healthy.
Judd tells us that ordinary people, struggling to define and redefine the morality of land and resource use, contributed immensely to America's conservation legacy. 3 maps. 24 photos.
These prizewinning stories champion the everyday person who tries to do his or her best in demanding and even demeaning situations.