Covering the basics of Celtic shamanism, with reference to traditional lore and source materials through the lens of both ancient and modern Druidry and shamanic practice, The Druid Shaman is a well rounded guide, showing the seamless cross over between Druidry and shamanism in the Celtic tradition. It covers topics such as how to attain and work with guides and allies, understanding the spirit realm and interaction with spirits of all kinds, accessing powers of place, traveling the world tree and working with the seven directions and exploring and navigating within the Celtic Otherworld. With practical techniques, exercises and core skills, The Druid Shaman can be used as a practical manual as well as a valuable resource for practicing shamans and druids as well as those new to the subject.
The Celtic Shaman offers a varied and easily followed plan of self-tuition for anyone interested in Celtic mythology and the Western mysteries.
When you choosea path within your web you are simply choosing a way to walk and atthe same time choosing some of the ... Weaving your path There are several ways you can do this, as with everything else it is goodto experiment and see ...
This spiral occurs in the Celtic chakras. As I said, many people find their way through the chakras from bottom to top, ortop to bottom, but that's not the Celtic way; the Celts start at the centre and spiral their way outwards.
What is Shamanism? is the product of a collaboration between eleven leading Shaman authors and practitioners each tasked with the discussion of a particular central aspect or theme.
Following on from the author's successful book Shaman Pathways - Elen of the Ways, this is a practical handbook filled with tried-and-tested exercises, journeys and experiential work for the reader to engage in.
Shaman, artist and author Elen Sentier writes, "I was first taught the trees of the goddess as a child.
Author Mike Williams, PhD, presents hands-on exercises and engaging true stories from decades of shamanic practice and academic study into ancient European traditions.
The Earth needs your help.
Elen of the Ways is about the ancient shamanism of Britain. Elen Sentier grew up in a long family lineage of following the Deer Trods; in this book she tells of the old, forgotten ways of our ancestors.
... Sydney, New South Wales 2061, Australia Random House New Zealand Limited 18 Poland Road, Glenfield, Auckland 10, New Zealand Random House (Pty) Limited Isle of Houghton, Corner of Boundary Road & Carse O'Gowrie, Houghton 2198, ...