'This book tackles the two edge sword of non consumptive wildlife tourism: on net does it add to or detract from species conservation? The book does so with a treasure trove of original survey research on the supply and demand for wildlife tourism on both public and private lands from Antarctica to rainforests to marine wildlife. The economic analysis is one of the first to apply new behavioral economics to analyzing tourists' choices.' John Loomis, Colorado State University, US 'Does nature-based tourism help or hinder biodiversity conservation? The answer provided by this authoritative volume is that it depends on context and type of tourism and is no easy panacea. Indeed it can result in an under supply of nature conservation from an economic point of view. This book provides an excellent synthesis, supported by case studies, of the tourism conservation trade off problem, it will appeal to both academic and practitioner audiences.' R. Kerry Turner, CBE, University of East Anglia, UK 'This book encapsulates a lifetime's scholarly work between the authors. It sets out the platform upon which nature-based tourism may be discussed and debated, which it then enriches by a series of case examples, mostly drawn from personal experience. In doing so it performs a valuable service to all interested in this field by capturing those detailed insights into nature-based tourism that are often only acquired by experience.' Stephen Wanhill, Editor, Tourism Economics 'In today's world, even nature seems to have to pay its own way. Nature-based Tourism and Conservation provides detailed real-life examples of how this is working in various parts of the world, from rainforests to Antarctica, and how the tradeoffs can best be measured. Clem Tisdell and Clevo Wilson provide a unique economic perspective to the various issues involved, providing practical illustrations of how others can incorporate the various ways of considering costs and benefits when deciding how to define the role nature-based tourism when planning conservation measures. This book will be useful to a wide range of audiences, from national protected area agencies to private land-owners who are establishing their own nature-based tourism enterprises.' Jeffrey McNeely, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Switzerland Nature-based Tourism and Conservation unearths new or neglected principles relevant to tourism and recreational economics, environmental valuation and economic theory. Its three parts have chapters on nature-based tourism and its relationships to conservation including case studies dealing with the consequences of World Heritage listing of natural sites, Antarctic, subtropical and tropical national park-based tourism and an NGO's conservation efforts modelled on ecotourism. The final part focuses on tourism utilizing particular wildlife, including sea turtles, whales, penguins, royal albatross, glow-worms and tree kangaroos.
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