In Beyond Infinity, Eugenia Cheng reveals the inner workings of infinity. What happens when a new guest arrives at your infinite hotel - but you already have an infinite number of guests? How does infinity give Zeno's tortoise the edge in a paradoxical foot-race with Achilles? And can we really make an infinite number of cookies from a finite amount of cookie dough? Wielding an armoury of inventive, intuitive metaphor, Cheng draws beginners and enthusiasts alike into the heart of this mysterious, powerful concept to reveal fundamental truths about mathematics, all the way from the infinitely large down to the infinitely small.
“You're welcome.” “Thieves do not offer thanks. Nor did our Morphs.” “What's between dimensions?” “A space contrived for passage? I do not know. If they have built a roadway between dimensions, perhaps this is the ditch beside that ...
Are they larger or smaller than each other? Can we even talk about 'larger' and 'smaller' when we talk about infinity? In Beyond Infinity, international maths sensation Eugenia Cheng reveals the inner workings of infinity.
You must remain here, Theron stated.
A Young Adult mystery adventure into mathematics.
Wass The Wise Old Turk. ... OK The Miracle of Dialogue The Power of Positive Thinking Marguerite Beecher Nathaniel Brandon William Glasser Thomas Harris Ruell Howe Douglas Lurton Youth Responsibility Today “To dance to flutes, to dance to.
The Creature from Beyond Infinity A Million Years to Conquer by Henry Kuttner Like a great, lethal snake, plague creeps through the galaxies.
Although that original title may perhaps be a more accurate descriptor, the pulpier "Creature" title gives a truer feel for what this book is: pulpy as can be!
A conversation between Cook and Porter, in turn, led to a breakthrough—the application of the idea to motion blur. Recalled Cook, “I'd been talking about random point sampling with Tom Porter, and one day he walked in the room and said, ...
We are delighted to publish this classic book as part of our extensive Classic Library collection. Many of the books in our collection have been out of print for decades, and therefore have not been accessible to the general public.
You must remain here, Theron stated.