Berlin 1941. Marie Jalowicz Simon, a nineteen-year-old Jewish woman, makes an extraordinary decision. All around her, Jews are being rounded up for deportation, forced labour and extermination. Marie takes off the yellow star and vanishes into the city. In the years that follow, Marie lives under an assumed identity, moving between almost twenty different safe houses. She is forced to accept shelter wherever she can find it, and many of those she stays with expect services in return. She stays with foreign workers, committed communists and even convinced Nazis. Any false move might lead to arrest. Always on the move, never certain who could be trusted and how far, it is her quick-witted determination and the most amazing and hair-raising strokes of luck that ensure her survival.This is Marie's extraordinary story, told in her own voice with unflinching honesty after more than fifty years of silence.
Thrilling and terrifying by turns, this is the gripping account of a young Jewish woman who survived World War Two by going to ground in Berlin. All around her Jews are being rounded up for deportation. Marie decides to survive.