Did you know that... � the catch-all term 'arthritis' actually consists of six different disease groups? � over-the-counter pain relief medication could speed up the progress of arthritis? � some treatments for arthritis could have life-threatening side effects? � surgery does not guarantee healing and could lead to more serious conditions? In the traditional Western medical world, most patients aren't told the full story of arthritis and how to get better. Nor are they told about some of the limitations of conventional treatments. In this book, the team at What Doctors Don't Tell You, the internationally respected health magazine and website, draws on 27 years of research into conventional and unconventional treatments and presents its findings to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the health of your family. This ground-breaking book explains that you don't have to accept arthritis as an unwelcome consequence of growing older. It reveals a wide array of options to relieve pain, improve movement and even reverse the condition, including dietary changes, complementary medicines, supplements and mind-body therapies - many with a proven track record of success. This is a must-read for anyone with arthritis who has been told that nothing can be done to help them.
Furst DE , Clements PJ , Saab M , et al : Clinical and serological comparison of 17 chronic progressive systemic sclerosis ( PSS ) and 17 CREST syndrome patients matched for sex , age , and disease duration .
... the University of California School of Medicine in San Diego , indicates smokers have lower levels of HDL , the “ good ” blood fat , than non - smokers . A study by John A. Morrison , Ph.D. , of the Cincinnati Lipid Research Clinic ...
Rosenblum ML , Levy RM , Bredesen DE : AIDS and the Nervous System . New York , Raven Press , 1987 13. Johnson TM , Duvic M , Rapini RP , et al : AIDS exacerbates psoriasis . N Engl J Med 313 : 1415 , 1985 14.
Johnston , C. C. , Jr. , Miller , J. Z. , Slemenda , C. W. , Reister , T. K. , Hui , S. , Christian , J. C. , and ... Finkenstedt , G. , Skrabal , F. , Gasser , R. W. , and Braunsteiner , H .: Lactose absorption , milk consumption ...
Arthritis: Is Your Suffering Really Necessary?
According to the Centers for Disease Control, over fifty million Americans struggle with doctor-diagnosed arthritis.
Describes a Chinese method for treating arthritis that combines massage and Chi Kung exercises to help relieve pain and rebuild the strength of the joints
Firestein & Kelley's Textbook of Rheumatology
Stemerowicz R , Hopf U , Möller B , et al . Are antimitochondrial antibodies in primary biliary cirrhosis induced by R ( rough ) -mutants of enterobacteriaceae ? Lancet 1988 ; 2 : 1166-70 . 20 . Stemerowicz R , Möller B , Küther D ...
Mit Rheuma kann man leben