This new edition continues to provide a critical introduction to the legal regulation of consumer markets, situating it within the context of broader debates about rationales for regulation, the role of the state and the growth of neo-liberalism. It draws on interdisciplinary sources, assessing, for example, the increased influence of behavioural economics on consumer law. It analyses the Europeanisation of consumer law and the tensions between neo-liberalism and the social market, consumer protection and consumer choice, in the establishment of the single market ground rules. The book also assesses national, regional and international responses to the world financial crisis as reflected in the regulation of consumer credit markets. This edition incorporates recent legislative and judicial developments of the law, blending substantial extracts from primary UK, EU and international legal materials.
The book also situates EU consumer law and policy within its broader social, political and economic context, providing a window to a range of wider issues (and tensions) relating to Union regulatory strategies and their effect on the member ...
This book analyses the founding years of consumer law and consumer policy in Europe. It combines two dimensions: the making of national consumer law and the making of European consumer law, and how both are intertwined.
Twelve Essays on Consumer Law and Policy
Research Handbook on EU Consumer and Contract Law, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar. ... M.J. (1998), 'Information-based Principles for Rethinking Consumer Protection Policy', 21, Journal of Consumer Policy, 131–69.
This Handbook of original contributions provides an international and comparative analysis of central issues in consumer law and policy in developed and developing economies.
19Since 1985 EU has developed a wide range of consumer protection instruments, mainly via consumer law directives, more S.Weatherill, EU Consumer Law and Policy, 2014; G. Howells, Ch. Twigg-Flesner, T. Wilhelmsson, Rethinking EU ...
Provides a clear account of the scope of EC Consumer Law and policy, at the same time using consumer policy as a window on wider policy issues in EC law.
Consumer Law, Common Markets and Federalism in Europe and the United States
This review will be a useful tool for consumer law researchers and valuable to those engaged by this popular practice area.
This comprehensive new textbook looks at consumer law from an EC perspective, analysing how EC law and domestic laws interact.It gives sustained attention to the policy background to individual measures and the rationales for the adoption ...