My First Christmas Craft Book: 35 fun festive projects for children aged 7+

My First Christmas Craft Book: 35 fun festive projects for children aged 7+
Young Adult Nonfiction
CICO Books


For children who want to give Christmas a personal touch, this creative book is packed with inspiring ideas, from cute and colorful decorations and pretty handmade cards to delicious Christmas treats to eat and give as gifts. Chapter 1, Decorate Your Home, includes ideas on how to give every room a festive feel, such as paper snowflakes, Christmas bunting, and a Santa snow globe. In Chapter 2, Decorate Your Tree, there are inventive ideas for home-made baubles and other pretty tree decorations. In Chapter 3, Wrap it Up, children learn how to design wrapping paper and cards, such as the button snowman card and tissue reindeer card. Finally, in Chapter 4, Christmas Sweets and Treats, there is delicious festive food such as marshmallow snowmen, marzipan penguins, and cookie tree decorations. With these easy-to-follow projects, children can impress their friends and family with their Christmas crafting skills.

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