A selection of essays examining economic policy and politics in the United States.
The most famous analysis rooted in “equality of concern and respect” is that of Rawls (1971). Rawls' first principle of justice is that “each person is to have an equal right to the most extensive total system of basic liberties ...
One of the most promising trends in modem political science is the develop ment of a theory of politics as rational action.
In the fifty years since its publication, the book has defined the field and set the standard for research and analysis.
NEW TO THIS EDITION : Updation of the chapter Policy Approaches and Models with the inclusion of the topic ‘Public choice model of policy-making’ Addition of the two new chapters – Power Approaches to Policy Making and Strategic ...
This book also explores the interplay between empirical and normative analysis, a crucial issue running through contemporary debates.
This book aims to bridge the gap between economics and politics, and in doing so hopes to instill in the reader a deeper appreciation for social scientific thinking.
This book aims to bridge the gap between economics and politics, and in doing so hopes to instill in the reader a deeper appreciation for social scientific thinking.
Jargon-free and using a cross-cultural approach, the individual chapters in this book utilize a 3-level analysis to review the policy issue areas, present analytic tools and frameworks, and provide cases/exercises for practice in applying ...
Essential microeconomic theory and applications for policy analysis, public administration, health care, environmental management, urban affairs, and urban planning.
The book also contains a glossary. Expert Advice for Policy Choice provides a new basis for graduate education in public policy analysis and can also serve as a text in planning, evaluation research, or public administration.