It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. For 18 long years, Dr Manette was a prisoner in France. His crime? He knew what two evil French aristocrats did. Now he's free and living in London with his beautiful daughter, Lucie. Lucie marries Charles Darnay, who has a dangerous secret of his own. But it is time for revolution in France and they must all travel to Paris, where the shadow of the guillotine falls over them all. The Garnet Oracle Readers are carefully graded, lexically and structurally, to encourage students to read for pleasure and at speed. The stories are all retold by an ELT author well known for his ability to craft engaging narratives to entertain and educate. - full-colour illustrations - resource and activity pages - easy-to-use glossary Level 5 1,500 headwords Word count: 17,670