"Eleven papers extend discussion of the role and importance of the landscape and the wider environment to past societies, and to the understanding and interpretation of their material remains, into consideration of the significance of the celestial environment: the skyscape. The role of the sky for past societies has been relegated to the fringes of archaeological discourse. Nevertheless archaeoastronomy has developed a new rigour in the last few decades and the evidence suggests that it can provide insights into the beliefs, practices and cosmologies of past societies. Skyscapes explores the current role of archaeoastronomical knowledge in archaeological discourse and how to integrate the two"--Provided by publisher.
Senior , Smoke Upon the Winds , p . 31 . 2. Titiev , Old Oraibi , p . 128 . 3. Waters and Fredericks , Book of the Hopi , p . 200. In the year 2000 the present author ... Old Oraibi , p . 129 . 12. e.g. , Barton Wright , Hopi Kachinas ...
Light Years Ago: A Study of the Cairns of Newgrange and Cairn T Loughcrew, Co. Meath, Ireland
Scientific study based on the premise that periods of precessional wobble in the earth have brought about changes in the earth's crust and have affected the distribution of the oceans, thereby causing global disasters such as flood and ...
The Orion Zone: Ancient Star Cities of the American Southwest
This joint venture between ICOMOS, the advisory body to UNESCO on cultural sites, and the International Astronomical Union is the second volume in an ongoing exploration of themes and issues relating to astronomical heritage in particular ...
Moon Tracks: A Guide to Understanding Some of the Patterns We See with an Emphasis on Southwest Ancient Puebloan Cultures
Humanity has always felt a powerful need to impose scale and order on that most elusive and transient of elements: time. But what ends do our clocks and calenders really serve?
William Calvin guides us on just such a marvel-packed quest, in search of techniques used by sages and shamans, tracing discoveries made sometimes by accident and sometimes by sheer genius long before the dawn of our own age." -David Brin
'Sun, Moon & Earth' is dedicated to understanding the incredible dance and marriage of the Sun and the Moon.
Time Stands Still: New Light on Megalithic Science