Research-based Theatre aims to construct a theoretical analysis of the field and offer critical reflections on how the methodology can now be applied. The book shares twelve examples of contemporary research-based theatre scripts and commentaries, selected to represent different approaches that come from a variety of disciplinary areas.
Editors and contributors urge intellectual historians to explore the religious dimensions of ideas and commend the methods of intellectual history to historians of religion.
... Social Darwinism in France , Tuscaloosa : University of Alabama Press . Crook , D.P. ( 1984 ) Benjamin Kidd ... English Thought , Brighton : Harvester . Pick , Daniel ( 1989 ) Faces of Degeneration . A European Disorder , c . 1848 - c ...
Literatur als Ware und Wert ; Referate einer Vorlesungsreihe des Collegium Generale der Universität Bern im Sommersemester 2005 Peter Rusterholz. Literatur. Primärliteratur Rowling, Joanne K. (1998). Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen ...
Sind hier diskursive Kanonpolitiken am Werk? Sind Genealogien oder Pfadabhangigkeiten der Kanonbildung in unterschiedlichen gesellschaftlichen Kontexten zu rekonstruieren?