This is a third edition of the popular book, which presents an overview of the most recent findings in the biology of neutrophils. These cells are critically important for protection against bacterial and viral infections and have been recently demonstrated to be a major contributor to tumor associated immune suppression. In addition, neutrophils represent a unique model for studying fundamental questions of cellular biochemistry and molecular biology. This monograph provides a detailed description of signal transduction, generation of reactive oxygen, and mechanisms of migration and death of these cells. Besides that, it contains unique information regarding neutrophils' role in cancer. Finally, this monograph describes recent advances in attempts to improve neutrophil function and use these cells in the treatment of diseases. Contents:Molecular Regulation of Granulopoiesis (Sachin Kumar and Marie-Dominique Filippi)The Neutrophil Respiratory Burst Oxidase (Mark T Quinn)Novel Neutrophil Receptors and Their Signal Transduction (Nicole R Fortenbery, Xianhong Chen and Sheng Wei)Mechanisms of Neutrophil Migration (Fong W Lam, Rolando E Rumbaut and Alan R Burns)Cytokine Production by Neutrophils (Luc de Chaisemartin, Marco Cassatella and Sylvie Chollet-Martin)Neutrophils and Apoptosis (Christopher D Lucas and Adriano G Rossi)Regulation of Neutrophil Functions by Long Chain Fatty Acids (Antonio Ferrante, Charles S Hii and Bernadette Boog)S100 Calgranulins in Inflammation (Carolyn L Geczy, Phillipe A Tessier and Lincoln Gomes)Neutrophils and Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells in Cancer (Je-In Youn, Alex Corzo and Dmitry Gabrilovich)Colony-Stimulating Factors for Prevention and Treatment of Neutropenia and Infectious Diseases (David C Dale, Lee J Quinton and Steve Nelson) Readership: Students, professionals, cancer researchers, medical practitioners. Key Features:Comprehensive nature of the reviews of different aspects of neutrophil biologyFocus on cutting-edge discoveries in the fieldReview of neutrophils function in cancerKeywords:Neutrophils;Infection Diseases;Cancer;Cytokines;Apoptosis;Fatty Acids;Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells
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... are not fluent in the language/s of the medical care provider.72 Research ... Anglo-Americans have traditionally placed a great deal of emphasis on the ...
This practical guide thoroughly discusses both well-established and new interventions that are applied to the spine for the purpose of pain relief.
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