“Of great use to anyone interested in the 18th century British Army as well as illustrators and others who need detailed information.”—Classic Arms and Militaria Based on records and paintings of the time, this book identifies each cavalry and infantry regiment and illustrates changes in uniforms, their facing colors, and the nature and shape of lace worn by officers, NCOs and private soldiers from 1751 to 1783. Regiments that served in the American War of Independence are noted and the book includes more than 200 full-color plates of uniforms and distinctions. Divided into four sections, it not only details the cavalry and infantry uniforms of the period but also the tartans of the Highland regiments, some of which were short-lived, and the distinction of the Guards regiments. “A superb reference work, full of clearly researched details…it will be of value to family and military historians, re-enactors, figure painters, and wargamers.”—FGS Forum
This lavishly illustrated book shows how the cut and colouring of the uniforms of the officers, the NCOs and the private soldiers changed over the course of more than thirty years. The survey is divided into four parts.
This lavishly illustrated book shows how the cut and colouring of the uniforms of the officers, the NCOs and the private soldiers changed over the course of more than thirty years. The survey is divided into four parts.
For the first time in print a book identifies each regiment and illustrates the change in uniforms, the colour of the facings and the nature and shape of the lace...
The commissioned officer ranks in the British Army from 1740-1815 were almost entirely composed of the affluent and educated the sons of the landed gentry, the wealthy, and other professional people.
Charles Hamilton Smith's illustrations of soldiers of the British Army are a faithful and delightful record of how Wellington's troops were uniformed and equipped. Wellington's Army presents a collection of...
Illustrated by Joe Lee.
This view, still held by many today, is challenged by Stuart Reid, who paints a picture of an increasingly professional force.
Here you will find most of the uniforms used during the Napoleonic Wars, between 1789 to1815.My goal was to gather a catalog that can serve as reference material for illustrators, writers, historians or for all those who, like me, are ...
A British Soldier's Story: Roger Lamb's Narrative of the American Revolution
This volume shows the development of an altogether new uniform for troops of the United States Army, a few years after the Civil War.