Despatches in this volume include that on operations in Burma and North-East India between November 1943 and June 1944, by General Sir George J. Giffard; the despatch on operations in Assam and Burma between June 1944 June and November 1944, by General Sir George J. Giffard, Commander-in-Chief; the despatch on Naval operations in the Ramree Island area (Burma) in January and February 1945 by Vice-Admiral Sir Arthur J. Power, Commander-in-Chief, East Indies Station; and the despatch on operations in Burma between November 1944 and August 1945 by Lieutenant-General Sir Oliver Leese. This unique collection of original documents will prove to be an invaluable resource for historians, students and all those interested in what was one of the most significant periods in British military history.
Despatches in this volume include that on operations in Burma and North-East India between November 1943 and June 1944, by General Sir George J. Giffard; the despatch on operations in Assam and Burma between June 1944 June and November 1944 ...
After the defeat of the Japanese these divisions compiled a summary of its actions and it is these unique documents that form the basis of this new book.Presented here together then for the first time is the story of war against the ...
The Re-conquest of Burma, 1943-1945
War Bush: 81 (West African) Division in Burma, 1943-1945 ; North Arakan, Kaladan, Mowdok, Tinma, Myohaung, Chindits 1944, Burma 1943-1945
Set in pre-independence West Africa, TRADED FOR A TRIFLE is the story of an ex-serviceman of the RWAFF for whom the end of WW2 is only the beginning of the battles he would fight to survive an uneasy peace.
The comparative wealth of detail provided by Admirals Napier, Dundas and Lyons contrast sharply with the limited, though frequent, communications from Generals Raglan, Codrington and Simpson.The despatches of all these commanding officers ...
Ketzler returned from WWII and served in the U.S. Army Reserves. One Soldier's Story is Ketzler's recollections of the individual experiences which give the reader a feeling for what life in that part of the war was like.
CMH Pub. 12-1. United States Army in World War 2. Compiled by Kenneth E. Hunter, et al. Contains many captioned black and white photographs and a few maps. Covers...
U.S. Army logistics, primarily of ground forces, in its relation to global strategy; the treatment is from the viewpoint of the central administration in Washington--Joint and Combined Chiefs of Staff,...
In late 1943 as the prospect of victory over Germany became discernible, the British high command's attention turned toward the Pacific. At issue was Great Britain's role in what would...