Although they have the potential to create synergies, joint ventures by their nature contain inherent risk. Therefore, each partner in a joint venture needs to incentivize each other in order to maximize its own payoff. Extensive pre-contractual and post-contractual bargaining is essential. This book provides successful bargaining strategies from the point of view of each partner company. Using a game theoretical framework to analyze joint venture strategy, it describes practical and legal issues that arise when creating synergies and incentive bargaining in a joint venture. With a particular focus on intellectual property law, including analysis based on many real cases, the book covers issues relating to creating synergies, corporate law issues of conflicts of interest, and antitrust law issues relating to cooperation between independent companies. Theoretically new and practically useful, Joint Venture Strategies will appeal to academics and practicing lawyers. From a corporate perspective, this book is essential for successful joint venture planning and strategy.
Although published thirty years ago this book accurately predicted that joint-ventures would become an increasingly prominent feature on the corporate landscape.
The essence of these relationships can be captured in the results of large sample studies , but statistical analyses lose ( in their error terms ) the unexplained variances that could offer richer insights concerning business strategies ...
Levinson addressed the question of whether a letter of intent arising from preliminary discussions relating to a merger or other fundamental transaction involving a company is " material information " that should be disclosed to ...
A joint ventures is the joining of two or more business entities or persons in order to undertake a specific business venture. Although a joint venture is not a continuing...
Strategies for Joint Ventures
Management development guide on the management of joint ventures in the USA - discusses questions of ownership, contract, productivity, competition, technology transfer, etc; reviews the establisment, profitability, top management ...
"Guerrilla Marketing and Joint Ventures" explains step-by-step how entrepreneurs can use smarter marketing and joint ventures to generate maximum profits from minimum investments.
Cooperative Strategies in International Business
This book gives factful information about joint venture.Read it and explore more.
In The Serious Business Owner's Guide To PROFITABLE JOINT VENTURES, Sohail and Angie lay out some very specific things any business can put to immediate use to grow their bottom line profits.