Our world is fraught with problems that demand attention: climate change, terrorism, poverty, and injustice to name only a few. Healing the World takes the fundamental teachings of shamans�the healer of communities�and applies them to the problems of today, using terms and concepts that anybody, from business leaders to activists, can relate to and understand. It helps people identify their own gifts and find the pathways forward to using those gifts in the world, no matter what their occupation, civic activity, or interests.
If we view our work as simply a mechanism for our souls to express, and a ministry of love and wisdom, we can experience work as ... Even if we feel anger, stress, or any other form of discomfort; if we give thanks, everything changes.
Now in a new edition, this bestseller explores the challenges, the rewards, the call, and the possibilities of integrating a sincere inner life with an active life of engagement with the pain of the world.
See Walter H. Adey and Karen Loveland, Dynamic Aquaria. Building Living Ecosystems (San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1991); and John. H. Todd, E.J. G. Brown, and E. Wells, “Ecological Design Applied,” in Ecological Engineering 20, 2003, ...
This volume positions the health sector as a leader in the fight against climate change and explores the role of the health system in climate policy action.
" --Hank Wesselman, PhD, anthropologist and author of The Bowl of Light and the Spiritwalker Trilogy "This is wonderful work that can help many. Opening the Aloha Mind gives powerful tools for transformation and healing.
It has nurtured us, and now it is our turn to narture it. This book explains how modern society has forgotten the importance of giving back to the environmental in order to keep it functioning property.
81 Randy Clark, Changed in a Moment (Mechanicsburg, PA: Global Awakening, 2010). 82 Father Albert J. Hebert, S.M., Saints Who Raised the Dead: True Stories of 400 Resurrection Miracles (Charlotte, NC: TAN Books, 1986); Patricia Treece, ...
Healing Our World: The Other Piece of the Puzzle
A growing segment of them are, even if they aren't quite sure how to accomplish it. This book is for them. With American evangelicals having more political influence today than ever before, this book is especially important.
The Book of Forgiving is both a touchstone and a tool, offering Tutu's wise advice and showing the way to experience forgiveness. Ultimately, forgiving is the only means we have to heal ourselves and our aching world. How do I forgive?