Author Michael G. Silverman is a corporate expert in strategic planning, program management, compliance, risk assessment, and policy development.
This book is a must for all companies facing today and tomorrow's compliance challenge." —John Connors, Partner at Ignition Partners and former CFO, Microsoft Corporation "Unbiased, well researched, comprehensive, and interesting.A great ...
In this comprehensive guide, you will discover: why compliance is worth spending money on what your firm could and should be doing differently the importance of ethics in compliance and in meeting regulatory challenges how to create a pro ...
This book provides a next-step resource to Hedge Fund Compliance, author Jason Scharfman's previous book.
Written by leading experts, chapters offer perspectives from across law, regulatory studies, management science, criminology, economics, sociology, and psychology. This volume is the definitive and comprehensive account of compliance.
The Book issue spots compliance pitfalls and challenges across industries, subject matters, and corporate infrastructures and recommends practical solutions today's most high-profile, hot-button compliance topics.
The Book issue spots compliance pitfalls and challenges across industries, subject matters, and corporate infrastructures and recommends practical solutions today's most high-profile, hot-button compliance topics.
The Wildly STRATEGIC Compliance Officer Workbook will transform you into an in-demand business asset using the secrets of strategy and planning.
There is also a PowerPoint presentation included on the CD-ROM Appendix which details one effective way to deliver ... Document Creation and Retention GOAL: to ensure that employees know the importance of thoughtful document creation, ...
This book can help make your CMMI or ISO-based improvement program result in superior performance and 'compliance for free!