‘For the LORD gives wisdom...he stores up sound wisdom for the upright... The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom’ (Proverbs 2:6, 7; 9:10). The Old Testament books of Proverbs, Job and Ecclesiastes are often referred to as the wisdom books of the Bible. The theme of wisdom, however, is not limited to these books: it actually pervades much of the Bible. Dan Estes explores wisdom in key passages in Scripture. In Part 1, he investigates the concept of wisdom in the book of Proverbs: what wisdom is and how it calls out to humans to follow its path. In Part 2, he considers how wisdom is presented in various contexts in the Old Testament, in passages from the law (Deuteronomy 30), history (1 Kings 3-4), prophecy (Jeremiah 8-9) and Psalm 112. Part 3 focuses on Proverbs to learn how wisdom affects our conduct in our work, our speech, our decisions and our righteous living. There is complexity in the biblical message of wisdom. Part 4 shows how the prominent theme of retribution in Proverbs is balanced and qualified in the books of Job and Ecclesiastes. In Part 5, Estes examines the culmination of wisdom in the New Testament, as we see that Jesus is the master teacher of wisdom and the source of all wisdom, and that we are challenged to live by God’s wisdom rather than falling into folly. Throughout the Bible, we are constantly challenged to learn God’s wisdom, to live God’s wisdom, and to love God’s wisdom.
This 10-week study of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon mines the Wisdom Literature not only for wise principles for living, but also for the wise person these books point to through their drama, poetry, proverb, ...
Creator of The Message Bible translation, which has sold more than 20 million copies, Eugene Peterson has helped us find surprising newness in confusing or overly familiar Bible passages.
This book provides answers to many of the issues that people face daily. Please open the book, then open your mind and allow God's Word, as it is explained in print, open your understanding in dealing with life's issues God's way."
This book is a rich feast for the soul, ideal as a daily spiritual touchpoint or simply to nourish a heart hungry for pastoral wisdom.
This book is a lively exploration of the amazing revelation known to Mormons as the “Word of Wisdom.” It counsels us how and what we should eat to reach our highest potential, both physically and spiritually.
I am grateful to Rabbi Aron Mathless, Rabbi Binny Freedman, and Rabbi Elie Weinstock, for sharing their wisdom and knowledge. Thank you to Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun, and the Ramaz Yeshiva, for providing the ...
Wisdom from the Word for Men is a Promise Book that is a valuable tool for answering men's most burning questions on 100 relevant topics with truths from God's Word.
Ed. Leo G. Perdue, Bernard Brandon Scott, and William Johnston Wiseman. Louisville: Westminster John Knox. Tostengard, Sheldon. 1992. “Psalm 22.” Interpretation 46:167–70. Towner, W. Sibley. 2003. “'Without Our Aid He Did Us Make': ...
This book serves as a valuable guide for anyone seeking a better understanding of the Word of Wisdom, how it came to be, how it has been understood and applied historically, and what it means to Latter-day Saints today.
More than an introduction, however, this is a thoughtful consideration of the hermeneutical implications of this literature.