How did the USA become a superpower? Why do people go to war? And why are some countries rich while others are so poor? The answers to these questions and many more in this eye-opening book, which uses maps to explain how geography has shaped the history of our world. Discover how the choices of world leaders are swayed by mountains, rivers and seas - and why geography means that history is always repeating itself. This remarkable, unique introduction to world affairs will inspire curious young minds everywhere. Praise for Prisoners of Geography: "A fresh way of looking at maps . . . as guideposts to the often thorny relations between nations" - New York Times "One of the best books about geopolitics you could imagine" - Nicholas Lezard, Evening Standard
An illustrated account of the Gulf War written by two Australian Middle East specialists with contributions from experienced journalists who covered the war.
In S. Smith, K. Booth, and M. Zalewski (eds.), International Theory: Positivism and Beyond, 66–86 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). Longino, H. E. (1990), Science as Social Knowledge: Values and Objectivity in Scientific Inquiry ...
The book offers a robust ancillary resource program, including FREE interactive media activities designed to reinforce key concepts by simulating real-world situations, making Introduction to Global Politics, Sixth Edition, the perfect text ...
Part I: Foundations of global politics -- Introduction to global politics -- Realism, liberalism, and critical theories -- Part II: Global actors -- Making foreign policy -- Global and regional governance -- Part III: Global issues -- ...
Kuster, B. (2007): „Die Grenze filmen“. In: Transit Migration Forschungsgruppe (Hrsg.): Turbulente Ränder. Neue Perspektiven auf Migration an den Gren— zen Europas. Bielefeld, S. 187—201. Lieser, (2007): „Zwischen Macht und Moral.
... in annexing Norway either by negotiations with Denmark or by rendering military assistance.18 The treaty had immediate consequences as well, as it secured Russia's northern frontiers and freed up military forces deployed in Finland.
2050: Iki Bin Elli
本书利用系统建模的方法,从经济全球化的视角出发,探析创新发展下国家间的政治,经济与贸易的相互依存关系,分析复杂的新地缘政治经济结构下全球化带来的管理问题 ...
Geopolítica, soberanía y "orden internacional" en la "nueva normalidad"
通往世界的大地图: 这样想未来, 你不再感到自己困在台湾