This work examines the world's indigenous peoples, their cultures, the countries in which they reside, and the issues that impact these groups. It highlights the complex relationships between native groups and the physical and social environments in which they live.
Negotiating and Structuring Business Transactions with First Nations: Materials Prepared for the Continuing Legal Education Seminar, Negotiating and Structuring Business...
Prestation et financement des services de santé et des services sociaux destinés aux autochtones (Premières Nations et Inuits): cadre de...
We Always Stay contains the stories of seven remarkable teachers from remote communities in central Australia.
This book is the translation of the original Russian version and an attempt to strengthen the awareness outside the country of the struggle of indigenous peoples in Russia.
In Colonized Classrooms, Sheila Cote-Meek discusses how Aboriginal students confront narratives of colonial violence in the postsecondary classroom, while they are, at the same time, living and experiencing colonial violence on a daily ...
Aita, V., McIlvain, H., Susman, J., & Crabtree, B. (2003). Using metaphor as a qualitative analytic approach to understand complexity in primary care research. Qualitative Health Research, 13(10), 1419–1431. ...
“ They don't want to be left behind in the wave of modernisation . Your parents work so hard to make it possible for you to continue your studies here " . It was slowly getting dark . Erom wanted to speak her mind and tell Shara that ...
"Foreword by Lewis Mehl-Madrona"--Cover.
Far from serving as a motor for development of indigenous communities , the drive to find and produce minerals was a principal motive for invasion of indigenous ... FINDING COMMON GROUND İX Foreword, Luke Danielson, MMSD Project Director.
"This book explores recurrent generational implications and ongoing challenges with land dispossession, relocation, reacquisition, governmental influences, and economic impacts to contemporary indigenous land cultures"--