With the help of this handy guide, you can bring tried and tested occupational therapy activities into your home and encourage your child to succeed with everyday tasks while having fun in the process. This expanded edition of the award-winning book includes new advice on toilet training, coping with changes in routine, repetitive behaviors, self-regulation and much more. The simple explanations and easy exercises will soon make daily activities enjoyable and productive.
Answering all of the common questions about the issues an occupational therapist might address with a child with special needs, including core muscle strength, feeding, fine motor skills, sensory sensitivities, transitions and life-skills, ...
This essential guide profiles 33 schools in New York City for children with special needs, plus listings of medical professionals, camps, after-school programs, evaluation centers, and individuals in the field that were recommended by ...
This book contains easy to follow school activities. The Q & A format makes the book easy to read and understand. This book will prove to be a resource you will use frequently as your student with special needs progresses through school.
... Autism, and Other Learning Disabilities A Guide to Improving Coordination Lisa A. Kurtz Part of the JKP Essential series ISBN 978 1 84310 865 8 eISBN 978 1 84642 672 8 Speak, Move, Play and Learn with Children on the Autism Spectrum ...
A practical handbook designed to assist parents in detecting the early signs of autism and other related disorders--including Asperger's Syndrome and Rett Syndrome--explains why early intervention can improve a child's chances for a ...
Other features in this book include an extensive glossary, resources, and activity photos.
She also empowers parents to act on their instincts and initial concern, rather than to “wait and see,” which is often encouraged. The book explains the steps parents can take to confirm or rule out a developmental delay or disorder.
The carers may indicate that your child is not showing an interest in the other children and playing on their own. Parallel play, or playing ... Children learn through play, and as parents we play with our children intuitively.
This is the first book for parents and caregivers of kids with Asperger syndrome and similar learning profiles that features strategies based on applied behavior analysis--the most widely accepted, evidence-based, and effective teaching ...
"This book provides education about using movement to improve overall function; Step-by-step procedures; Fun-based movement activities"--Page 4 of cover.