The Succession Act 1965 and Related Legislation: A Commentary

The Succession Act 1965 and Related Legislation: A Commentary
Inheritance and succession
Bloomsbury Publishing
Brian Spierin


Based on McGuire's seminal 1967 work, this fifth edition examines in detail the Succession Act 1965 and other related legislation which impacts succession. Each section of the 1965 Act (as amended) is set out in full, and followed by a detailed narrative commentary which explains the sections and examines how they have been interpreted by the courts. Up-to-date appendices contain the relevant Probate Office, Superior Courts and Circuit Courts forms. Included are the following important cases: DPP v Heather Perrin; Nevin v Nevin; and Cawley v Lillis. The chapters are as follows: I. Preliminary and General; II. Devolution of Real and Personal Estate on Death; III. Executors and Administrators; IV. Grants of Representation; V. Administration of Assets; VI. Distribution on Intestacy; VII. Wills; VIII. Conflict of Laws Relating to Testamentary Dispositions; IX. Legal Right of Testator's Spouse, Civil Partner and Provision for Children; X. Unworthiness to Succeed and Disinheritance; XI. Limitation of Actions; XII. Provisions Relating to Probate Office and District Probate Registries; First Schedule; Rules as to Application of Assets; Second Schedule; Repeals; and Appendices. [Subject: Wills & Probate Law, Family Law, Succession Law]

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