'Nothing fixes a thing so intensely in the memory as the wish to forget it' How many times have you said: 'I've got a memory like a sieve'? Who hasn't cursed their inability to remember information for exams? And been jealous of those that seem to be able to retain anything with ease? Well, it's not a God given talent. It's something you can easily learn. If you want to remember poetry, speeches, lists, I will show you how. Everything from language and spelling, general knowledge, history, astronomy, science, geography, which monarch followed which, how many days in each month, the sequence of planets and much much more. Did you know that there are just 100 words in French, Spanish and German that give you the fundamentals to communicate? Did you know how easy it is to remember numbers and shopping lists and indeed almost anything? After all, I'm just like you. I've got a memory like a sieve as well. That's why I wrote this book!
This book shows you how your brain sorts, records and finds information and how ancient memory techniques as well as other mind skills work to make remembering fun.
Both an invaluable collection of memory tricks and a fascinating look at the workings of our memory, You Must Remember This is the perfect resource to ensure that you'll never be short of memory again!
In Lars Gustafsson's novel Bernard Foy's Third Castling the many - voiced narrator turns out to be a swarm of bees inside the bleached skull of a former customs inspector . We might well expect something similar from the Coen brothers .