In Presence, bestselling author Lisa Lister teaches you how to express yourself, claim yourself back and dare to take up space in the world. Your presence is your power. It doesn’t mean learning about body language, posture or how to wear red lipstick. It's about learning to like yourself, connecting with your body, trusting your gut, being strong, and self-caring. In this guide, the author shares her own journey alongside practical tools that will help you live life on YOUR own terms - not dictated by social media or labels imposed by somebody else.
Seppälä et al., Breathing-based meditation; Bhasin, M. K., Dusek, J. A., Chang, B. H., Joseph, M. G., Denninger, J. W., Fricchione, G. L., Benson, H., & Libermann, T. A. (2013). Relaxation response induces temporal transcriptome changes ...
The wonder of closeness with God is available to you here and now. In The Presence, Alec Rowlands reveals the ways God makes His presence known, how you can prepare for it, and how experiencing it will transform everything.
How amazing would it be if you could command the room like they do? You don’t have to wonder; you can make it happen!Everyone, regardless of position or personality, can strengthen their presence. The Power of Presence shows how.
and Abigail Van Alyn Mel Auston Chris von Baeyer Liz Callahan Greta Cowan Pat Dougan Priscilla Douglas Trisha Fennessey Joel Gluck Amy Goldfarb Ron Goldman Harvey Greenberg Steven Holt Christine Johnson Lucy Kaplan Sean Kavanagh 2003 ...
Radical and hopeful -- Presence synthesises cutting-edge thinking, firsthand knowledge and ancient wisdom Presence: Human Purpose and the Field of the Future gives the reader an intimate look at the development of a new theory about change ...
Award-winning speaker and consultant Dianna Booher shows how to master dozens of small and significant things that work together to convey presence.
She also draws on in-depth interviews with a wide selection of admired leaders to reveal how they embody and deploy key elements of EP. This book is immensely practical.
Zindel Segal , PhD , professor , University of Toronto , and author of The Mindful Way Through Depression “ This is a lovely book , scholarly , inviting and wise . From her own fascinating journey , plus the stories of women she's ...
This book addresses the nature of those monsters and details the Indigenous weapons that students use to defeat them. Rooted in love, life, sacredness, and sovereignty, these weapons reawaken students' presence and power.
Although deeply philosophical, Varieties of Presence is nurtured by collaboration with scientists and artists.