A collection of forty-six papers papers in honour of Professor Jacek Lech, compiled in recognition of his research and academic career as well as his inquiry into the study of prehistoric flint mining, Neolithic flint tools (and beyond), and the history of archaeology.
Atti del Seminario, Udine 16–17 maggio 1996, 121–52. Rome, Quasar. D'Ercole, V. 2001. 'L'età del ferro in Abruzzo'. In L. Franchi dell'Orto (ed.) Eroi e regine. Piceni popolo d'Europa, 56–8. Rome, De Luca. D'Ercole, V. and E. Benelli ...
Ennes, E.,1938 AsGuerras nos Palmares (Subsídios para a sua História). ... Ennes, E.,1948 The Palmares “Republic” of Pernambuco: Its Final Destruction, 1697. ... Ferguson, L., 1978 Lookingfor the'Afro' in ColonoIndian Pottery.
The cases presented in this volume revisit old methods and previous scholarly approaches with new perspectives, and incorporate the newest technologies available for understanding the past.
Challenging both traditional and fashionable theories, this collection of pieces from an international range of contributors explores the separation of the human past into history, archaeology and their related sub-disciplines.
15 Summarizing the history of “oral theory” in Homeric studies, Foley begins with the assumption that orally derived ... 16 The particular details of Foley's argument, based on analyses of formulas, type scenes, and story patterns,.
This is the first truly global survey of the relationship between artifacts and texts from historiographical, methodological, and analytical perspectives.
Each section of the book offers a new level of engagement with various digital tools, spanning topics such as the challenges digital instruments pose to the study of pre-urban and urban contexts, the didactic scope of virtual heritage, and ...
4 Coarse earthenware vessels used by the Lascar crew on the Sydney Cove (1797). Vessel on the left is a mold-pressed ... The camp of the shipwreck survivors has also been the subject of recent archaeological investigation (Nash, 2005).
This is particularly true when scholars of each field ignore or fail to understand research in the other discipline.
Yamin, R., 2008, Digging in the City of Brotherly Love: Stories from Philadelphia Archaeology. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT. Part I Country Estates/Landscapes Historical archaeologists are drawn to the xxii Introduction: ...