Why do most people know what an Ewok is, even if they haven't seen Return of the Jedi? How have Star Wars action figures come to outnumber human beings? How did 'Jedi' become an officially recognised religion? When did the films' merchandising revenue manage to rival the GDP of a small country? Tracing the birth, death and rebirth of the epic universe built by George Lucas and hundreds of writers, artists, producers, and marketers, Chris Taylor jousts with modern-day Jedi, tinkers with droid builders, and gets inside Boba Fett's helmet, all to find out how STAR WARS has attracted and inspired so many fans for so long. 'It's impossible to imagine a Star Wars fan who wouldn't love this book. There are plenty of books about Star Wars, but very few of them are essential reading. This one goes directly to the top of the pile' Booklist (starred review).
本书是一本星球大战系列电影的商业开发史与文化史.全书回顾了星球大战这一全球收益最高,影响力最大,互动最多的文化产业传奇的完整历史,其时代背景,商业开发内幕,票房效应 ...
In "The Moment of Psycho," film critic David Thomson situates "Psycho" in Alfred Hitchcock's career, recreating the mood and time when the seminal film erupted onto film screens worldwide.
Filled with revelations about the origins and making of American Graffiti, Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Return of the Jedi, this only full-length biography of filmmaker and cinematic visionary George ...
The only current canonical mention of Darth Plagueis comes in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, when Senator Palpatine regales a troubled Anakin Skywalker with an “old Sith legend,” The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise, ...
"An Atlantic senior editor presents an investigation into the lucrative quality of popularity in the 21st century to share economic insights into what makes ideas, productions and products successful, "--NoveList.
Six films. Countless books. $20 billion in revenue. No one can question the financial value or cultural impact of the Star Wars film franchise. But has the impact been for the good?
After reading this book, fans will never be able to watch Star Wars in the same way again.
He was (and is) also a fan and brought his enthusiasm to Lucasfilm and to this book of stories about those years"--Page 4 of cover
Notes 1 Connie Willis, To Say Nothing of the Dog or How We Found the Bishop's Bird Stump at Last, New York: Bantam Books, 1998; all quotations are from the edition published in Science Fiction Masterworks (Connie Willis, To Say Nothing ...
... How Star Wars Conquered the Universe ( New York : Basic Books , 2014 ) , 58 . 2 Try a Google search for " why midi ... Conquered the Universe , 44 . 6 Another source of inspiration for Lucas's interest in the theme of humanity versus ...