One of the major internationally recognised works on the international politics of the Middle East, this book systematically combines international relations theory and Middle East case studies to provide a macro overview of the international relations of the region. The book has been widely used at both undergraduate levels, Masters degree and PhD levels. In providing a unique interpretation of Middle East North Africa (MENA) international politics, it will also be valuable for scholars of the region. The book provide readers with both theoretical and concrete information, with theoretically-framed major topics, liberally illustrated with case study material on key dimensions of regional politics. Topics include the place of the Middle East in the wider global system; the role of Arabism and Islam in regional politics; the impact of state formation in the region on its international relations; comparative foreign policy making looking at pivotal country cases, including Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Turkey; major regional wars and efforts at order building; the role of US hegemony and the two Iraq wars; and the impact of the Arab Uprising on regional politics.
A comprehensive and timely survey of Middle Eastern international relations, Tareq Ismael provides in-depth analysis of the interrelated dimensions of confrontation that have entangled almost every aspect of life in the region, transforming ...
International Politics and the Middle East: Old Rules, Dangerous Game
Making the case for historical sociology - in particular the work of Antonio Gramsci and Louis Althusser - as the most powerful lens through which to understand regional politics in the Middle East, with wider implications for the study of ...
This work argues that the political complexities of today's Middle East and the region's enmeshment in great power politics are best explained in terms of the distinctive international relations subsystem that has evolved over the past two ...
A timely and relevant reissue, dealing with problems of continued importance, this volume will be of particular interest to students researching the history of the Middle Eastern conflict and the region’s variety of relationships with the ...
Leading scholars of Middle East politics and international relations present comprehensive coverage of the international politics of the Middle East, a region at the forefront of international attention.
The fourth edition of this dynamic and popular text provides a comprehensive introduction to contemporary politics in the Middle East.
This is a much needed, up-to-date, general overview of the role of the Middle East in international relations.
Employing the concept of imperialism, defined as a pattern of alliances between a center (rulers) in the Center (developed) country and a center (client regime) in the Periphery (underdeveloped country) - as an overall framework to analyse ...
Caldwell, John C. “Malthus and the Less Developed World: The Pivotal Role of India.” Population and Development Review 24, no. 4 (1998): 675–96. ... Coase, Ronald H. “The Problem of Social Cost.” Journal of Law and Economics 3, no.