This fully revised and updated edition of International Investment Law remains a complete and concise guide to the law of international investment protection and continues to approach the subject with an easy-to-follow, broad and balanced text. New to this edition: - updates to include numerous new cases - completely reworked sections on standards of treatment - new Q&A section to capture practitioner views. Key Features: • balance of cases and explanatory comment familiarises students with reading opinions and enables them to grasp the core concepts at stake • concise – suitable for one-semester course for non-specialists or as a first text for students who will take further specialised courses in the area • excerpts from the most influential arbitration decisions outline differing interpretations and ensure students don’t learn in a theoretical vacuum • questions throughout encourage readers to come to their own opinions.
Offers the most comprehensive, detailed and up-to-date analysis of international investment law and arbitration compared to its competitors.
11 L. Poulsen, Bounded Rationality and Economic Diplomacy: The Politics of Investment Treaties in Developing Countries (Cambridge University Press, 2015). 12 Hulley Enterprises Ltd. v. Russian Federation (PCA Case No.
This book provides an ideal introduction to the fundamentals of international investment law and dispute settlement for students or practitioners.
This volume celebrates the first fifty years of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) by presenting the landmark cases that have been decided under its auspices.
The Handbook of International Investment Law and Policy is a one-stop reference source. This Handbook covers the main conceptual questions in a logical, scholarly yet easy to comprehend manner.
Presents four studies on international investment law: one on transparency, one on the fair and equitable treatment standard, one on indirect expropriation and the right to regulate, and one on most favoured nation treatment.
The purpose of this book is to revisit these conceptual foundations in order to shed light on the practice of international investment law.
This book, the first in-depth study of the uses of attribution in international investment law, provides a deeply informed analysis of the treatment of attribution in applicable legal instruments and investment arbitration jurisprudence ...
This books analyses international investment law through the lens of comparative public law to clarify investment treaty obligations and arbitral procedure.
This book brings together the papers delivered at the Young Scholars Conference in International Economic Law, which was held at the University of Vienna Law School in June 2007.