European Intellectual Property Law: Text, Cases and Materials, Second Edition

European Intellectual Property Law: Text, Cases and Materials, Second Edition
European Intellectual Property Law
Intellectual property
Edward Elgar Publishing
Stefan Luginbuehl, Thomas Dreier, Annette Kur


The second edition of this popular textbook has been thoroughly revised, expanded and updated in order to reflect the recent extensive changes in European IP legislation. Providing an in-depth examination of the core areas of IP law, from copyright, patents and trademarks through to the protection of plant varieties and industrial design, it is perfectly pitched to guide the reader through the complexities of the European IP system. New to this edition:* Coverage of recent legislative changes since the first edition, including detail on the proposed new copyright package* New expanded chapters on Plant Variety Rights, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications * New chapter on IPRs and Unfair Competition, including Trade Secrets* Expanded chapter on patents by a patent expert who joined the author teamKey features:* Offers a clear and concise style, giving students and non-specialist practitioners a clear understanding of the fundamentals of European intellectual property law* Highlights extracts from key cases and source material* Poses questions designed to provoke wider thinking around legal problems* Covers related areas adjacent to IP law, in order to help students understand the context in which IP legislation operates* Gives an overview of community and European IP rights and areas that have been harmonized legislatively* Considers international IP protection and the interrelation between European and IP law more broadly in order to promote comparative studyWith its detailed and comprehensive overview on the structure and content of European IP law, this textbook has proved an essential companion to both basic and advanced courses on European intellectual property across the globe.

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