Dimitri Yassukovich is exiled by the Bolshevik Revolution, builds a new life and career as a Wall Street investment banker, and lays the foundations in Europe for one of the great investment banking houses of the City. His son Stanislas, after an inglorious youth in the Gatsby land of Long Island, joins his father's firm White, Weld & Co., finds himself at the epicentre of the City's revival from postwar doldrums, and becomes an architect of the Euromarkets. His highly personal and anecdotal chronicle of these two lives leads us through the history of high finance and its revival, and the heady days of the internationalisation of the City, through the 'Big Bang' and its aftermath. Two Lives is a serious, and yet light-hearted account of a critical period in 20th century finance and of two unusual personalities.
Life Cycle of a Security
本书将帮助读者掌握大量高盛,JP摩根,美国大通银行以及美林美银所使用的分析工具与技术,逐步指导读者了解并完成基础分析及股票估值 ...
本书作者根据自身的从业经验, 为投行新人和其他需要了解投行及其相关产品知识的读者介绍了投行的机构设置和投行证劵的基础知识.
The Securities Litigation Review
... Wichita , we stopped by the apartment to say goodbye to Max and Ray . When they opened the door I could smell oysters . The 737 was in production in a big way in the Boeing Plant II fa- cility across East Marginal Way from Boeing field ...
Like the expert chancer he is, he sees an opportunity. Hacking into his boss's computer, he finds something that chills him to the bone. This is big time; there are bad men involved; there are millions at stake. So no change there then.
Careers in Investment Banking