It is important that all the provisions of the deal are spelt out, including the circumstances in which housing associations have the right not to sell, as detailed in the agreement. (Paragraph 19) The Right to Buy 3.
DoE (1974) Circular 70/74, 19 April, London: HMSO. DoE (1977) Housing policy:A consultative document, Cmnd 6851, London: HMSO. Dunn, R., Forrest, R. and Murie, A, (1987)The Geography of Council House Sales in England - 1979-85, ...
the more restrictive 'modernised' Right to Buy (see Table 4) and was in any case deferred until the last quarter of ... the UK's Conservative Government is in the process of extending the Right to Buy to housing association tenants in ...
... 295 The Subjectivities and Politics of Occupational Risk Mines, Farms and Auto Factories Alan Hall more For information about this series, please visit: ...
Future generations in Wales Our Welsh neighbours, across the English border to the west, have taken an innovative and inclusive approach to thinking about the future. The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act12 became legislation ...
Extension of the Right to Buy to housing associations 126. Some housing association tenants also have the right to buy their property under the Preserved Right to Buy.274 The housing association , Home Group , has suggested that the ...
In this provocative new book, Peter Latham argues that the UK Conservative Government’s devolution agenda conceals their real intention: to complete the privatisation of local government and other public services.
In: Forrest, R. & Lee, J. (eds) Housing and Social Change: East-West Perspectives. Routledge, London and New York. Department of the Environment (1977a) Housing Policy: A Consultative Document, Cmnd 6851. HMSO, London.
The Housing and Planning Act 2016 contains further provisions on social housing, including extending the Right to Buy to housing association tenants, abolishing *secure tenancies for most new tenancies, and requiring the sale of certain ...
Bochel, C. and Bochel, H. (2004) The UK social policy process, Basingstoke: Palgrave. Bochel, H. and Duncan, S. (2007) Policy-making in theory and practice, Bristol: The Policy Press. British Medical Association (2012) Behaviour change, ...