Teaching young people with autism workplace skills while they are still school-aged is essential for helping them get jobs once they are ready to enter employment. This ready-made curriculum does exactly that, with a structured program for teaching groups of students aged 14-17 vital pre-employment skills, from interviewing to networking.
Career Education Networks and Communities of Practice: A Report from the School-Communities Strand of the Education Emploment Linkages Project
In this edition, a new organization and four new chapters improve the focus and readability for the student new to transition.
This book is a quick and practical guide to the basics of transition planning for students with disabilities.
"A practical, proven guide to creating individualized, person-centered work experiences for youth with disabilities"--
In this text, she outlines a framework for transition planning specially designed to advance each student's involvement and participation in planning for their post-school lives, in the presence of the most severe sensory and intellectual ...
The text also includes: Descriptions of research-based practices to maximize students’ self-determination, autonomy, goal setting and ability to have successful life experiences; Opportunities to integrate knowledge with practice by ...
This is the time when you will discover more about yourself than at any other point in your life. You will discover strengths, interests, and beliefs that will guide your future career and life decisions.
"A practical, proven guide to creating individualized, person-centered work experiences for youth with disabilities"--
Transition Planning for Secondary Students with Disabilities: Instructor's manual
Transitions For Students With Low-Incidence Disabilities: The Relationship Between The Implementation Of The Individualized Transition Plan And The Transition To...