"JUST HOW TALL IS THE MASTER? WHO WAS KILLED BY PSYCHIC SPIDER ELECTRICITY? WHAT CAN'T A SONIC SCREWDRIVER DO? More colourful than Tom Baker's scarf, and more clever than Osgood, Whographica explores the rich and peculiar history of Doctor Who through infographics, charts, maps - and more! Follow the tangled threads of the Doctor's family tree. Discover the secrets of Dalek evolution. Learn what the Doctor so desperately wants to know himself- where and when to find his home planet. Captivating, intriguing, beautiful and strange, Whographica will show you so much more than the average eye is allowed to see. Because, if you look hard, there are more wonders in this universe than you could have ever dreamed of."
With interesting and fascinating information, Whographica is a perfect introduction to the extraordinary universe of the series, and an engaging sourcebook that will delight long-term aficionados, presenting the history of Doctor Who in an ...
The Fifth Doctor and Tegan Jovanka, The King's Demons (1983) The King's Demons (1983) is set in the reign of Richard's ... Something similar is happening in Robot of Sherwood, but here the distinction between the popular, modern idea of ...
Featuring Mitchell, George and Annie, as played by Aidan Turner, Russell Tovey and Lenora Crichlow in the hit series created by Toby Whithouse for BBC Television
Discover everything you ever wanted to know about the hit show Buffy the Vampire Slayer in this humorously illustrated infographic book.
The Doctor's been everywhere and everywhen in the whole of the universe and seems to know all the answers.
When the Eighth Doctor's granddaughter and companions find themselves in the execution block on the Isle of Dogs, the Doctor has no choice but to help the British Army refine its ultimate weapon--time travel. All ages.
1500BC - King Actaeus and his subjects live in mortal fear of the awesome gods who have come to visit their kingdom in ancient Greece.
Beautifully illustrated by a team of all-female artists, this collection of inspirational tales celebrates the power of women to change the universe.
The Doctor Who Book of Whoniversal Records is a celebration of the greatest - and strangest - achievements from the brilliant, impossible world of Doctor Who.
The Doctor has many faces. and many outfits!