This volume brings together state-of-the-art reviews of the non-biostratigraphic and biostratigraphic data that are used to define and correlate Permian time intervals. It includes analyses of Permian radio-isotopic ages, magnetostratigraphy, isotope-based stratigraphy and timescale-relevant biostratigraphy. It is the first book devoted to this subject and represents the cutting edge of Permian time-scale research.
In: Rickards, R.B., Jackson, D.E., Hughes, C.P. (Eds.), Graptolite Studies in Honour of O.M.B. Bulman. Special Papers in Paleontology, 13, pp. 189e203. Jaeger, H., 1991. Neue Standard-Graptolithenzonenfolge nach der 'Grossen Krise' an ...
This book provides a complete Phanerozoic story of palaeogeography, using new and detailed full-colour maps, to link surface and deep-Earth processes.
Middle Triassic ammonite biostratigraphy in Israel . ... The Lower Triassic System in the Abrek Bay area , south Primorye , Russia . National Museum of Nature ... Biostratigraphic classification of the marine Triassic in North America .
In Rickards, R.B., Jackson, D.E., and Hughes, C.P. (eds), Graptolite Studies in Honour of O. M. B. Bulman. Special Papers in Paleontology, The Palaeontological Association, Vol. 13: pp. 108À120.
This book is an essential reference for all geoscientists, including researchers, students, and petroleum and mining professionals. The presentation is non-technical and illustrated with numerous colour charts, maps and photographs.
A new detailed international geologic time scale, including methodology and a wallchart.
Quaternary Science Reviews 15, 391e405. Geyh, M.A., Mu ̈ller, H., 2005. ... Quaternary Research 42, 115e130. Gervais, P., 1867e1869. ... In: Elias, S.A. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science, vol. 2. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp.
Although this text is intended to complement a typical first-year course in physical geology, its contents could be applied to numerous other related courses.
This is sometimes observed with zircon , but is more common with monazite ( Gulson & Krogh 1973 , Köppel 1974 , Köppel & Grünenfelder 1975 , Gebauer & Grünenfelder 1979 ) , sphene ( Tilton & Grünenfelder 1968 , Gulson & Krogh 1973 ...
The New Zealand Geological Timescale